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Say hello to the affordable smart terminal your merchants will love

Starting today, SwipeSimple is available to resellers on the PAX A80 smart terminal.

Now you can offer merchants something better than a traditional terminal for about the same price. This is the payment terminal that will help you stand out from the crowd and pitch to merchants on value—instead of undercutting the competition on price and selling the same old terminal.

SwipeSimple Terminal on PAX A80 has all the capabilities of a traditional terminal:
  • Rugged, compact form factor
  • Wired and wireless connectivity
  • EMV chip, contactless, and magnetic stripe
  • Built-in receipt printer
Plus the power and simplicity of SwipeSimple:
  • High-resolution touchscreen
  • Easy-to-use interface with advanced features
  • Cloud-based transaction history, reporting, item catalog & more
SwipeSimple on PAX A80 is now available to resellers to start offering to their sales reps and their merchants.
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